Monday, September 14, 2009

Historic diner in St. Petersburg

When you are going to St. Petersburg travel you can go to any cuisine you would like. There are hundreds of different restaurant, bars, cofee shops and fast foods in the city. Some of them are good, some of them not quite so. Some are new, some are comparatevely old. But there is a special place that is standing aside from all others. You can't say it is old, it is antique.

There is a little place located downtown. During it old lifetime it has seen czars, comrades, and democrats. It is a little doughnut place where you can eat simple cheap dougnuts. But there is something much more interesting about that place. It has become a history itself, where people, and it is busy all the time, are coming there to see and taste that peace of history.

There is nothing fantastic about it. It is like eating a burger, there is nothing special about it, it isn't healthy and doesn't taste so great, but if you are a tourist in US you must try. Whithout it it will be tottaly different experience. Same with this place. If you visit Russia, St. Petersburg, you must visit this place. Ask people, they will tell you where is it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Viborg, great city by St. Petersburg

Viborg will not look anything like any other city when you'll travel in Russia. From antique times Viborg has soak culture of 4 different cultures: Russian, Sweeden, Finish, and German. One of the most astonishing peaces of Sweden art is a Viborg Castle that was build in 1293. It was build in a middle of a channel, on a little rocky peace of land. It was a 7 store high strong defensive fortification. Today it is a museum from where you can see beautifull sight of a city.

Here are the most interesting places to visit in Viborg. Viborg Castle, Stone City, City Hall Tower, Tower of a main square, Bull Stronghold, and a Catle Mountain. Each of them has individual style, interesting integration of many cultures, and of course rich history. Some of St. Petersburg tours can include visit to this city. There you will feel the mighty of a great empire.

You can get to Viborg by taxi that you can take at any St. Petersburg hotels yourself on bus or train. It is better to go by bus, so you would see many sights on the way to the city. Busses are going from subway station "Grajdanski prospect" and "Ozerki" every hour. It will take you about 2 hours to get to Viborg

Monday, December 29, 2008

Visiting St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is the second largest Russian city, which is famous for its historical monuments. You can get to city in all possible ways: flight, land, see, or even Russian river cruise. Most of the monuments refer to the era of Russian tsar Peter the Great. The city was founded on the Neva river in 1703 and very soon became the capital of Russia. Most of the nobles of the country moved to St. Petersburg to live and enjoy the life there.

Tourist taking St. Petersburg tours will see downtown full of monuments of the past. Visitors of the city will have a chance to see most of the sights standing side by side. The city has wonderful palaces, each of which is a real masterpiece. St. Petersburg has many museums, art galleries and theatres, where tourists will find many interesting things and works of art related to Russian travel, history, culture and traditions.

St. Petersburg also offers wonderful restaurants, bars, cafes and nightclubs, where tourists will try famous Russian dishes and drinks. The restaurants offer dishes of Russian, European, Chinese and Italian cuisines.

Hotels in St.Petersburg

St. Petersburg is one of the most popular Russian cities among tourists traveling in Russia. That is why the city offers various kinds of hotels, which have services of all kinds to make the vacations unforgettable and are much more affortable then Moscow hotel rates. St. Petersburg has luxurious and low-cost hotels, which can be suitable for anyone visiting the city. There are also business hotels in the city, where tourists can hold business meetings, conferences or seminars.

The best five-star St. Petersburg hotels are Angleterre Hotel, Astoria Hotel, Corintia Nevsky Palace Hotel and many others. Angleterre Hotel and Astoria hotels are the most famous ones among many others. The services there are very good with all modern conveniences.

Helvetia Hotel is among the best four-star hotels offering perfect accommodation and serices. The rooms of the hotel are equipped with all modern conveniences and amenities, needed for an unforgettable rest there. Petersburg travel offers all kinds of hotels as you can see. Marco Polo is another popular four-star hotel, where the rices are nit very high and the services good.

Theatres of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg has many wonderful theatres, which offer performances of all kinds. Each performance in the best theatres of Russia is always a success especially among tourist taking a Russia tour. Many of the theatres located in St. Petersburg are known all over the world, as many performances were given in different European countries.

Maly Drama Theater and Mariinsky Opera House are the most famous theaters in St. Petersburg. You need to book your visit they way before, just the same as hotels in Russia. The best Russian actors take part in the performances staged there. Numerous tourists from different parts of the world dream of visiting these performances.

Mariinsky Opera House has an old history, which dates back to the past centuries. The first performance was given in the 18th century. Many famous musicians and actors acted on the stage of this great theater.

There are also many theaters for children in St. Petersburg. So, tourists taking Russia vacation packages with families can spend an unforgettable time there.

Maritime Victory Park

The Maritime Victory Park was opened in the 20th century, after the end of World War II. The park is dedicated to the victory over Nazi Germany in the Second World War which itself should be very interesting to those who visit Russia. The park is a memorial and the most popular entertainment center of St. Petersburg. The park offers various kinds of attractions, as well as restaurants offering dishes of traditional Russian cuisine. The park is also an important sporting center, where athletes train.  Very good hotels in St. Petersburg located around Victory park.

The central avenue of the park leads to the statue of Sergei Kirov, after whom the stadium of the park is named. The central avenue of the park is decorated with flowers, which are very beautiful.

In 1966 the Alley of Friendship was founded in the Park. Delegates from different countries around the world when St. Petersburg  travel come there and plant a tree. Near each tree there is a granite plaque indicating the city for which it was planted.

St. Nicolas Cathedral

Tourist that are interested in cultural side of Russia must see one of the famoust Cathedrals of Russia, which could be oserved both from land, or from Russia river cruises. St. Nicolas Cathedral was built in the 18th century. The cathedral was named after the Saint Nicolas Naval, who was the savior of the seamen. The cathedral represents a mixture of two architectural styles- Baroque and traditional Russian. Beginning from the 18th century the Cathedral became a kind of memorial to the lost seamen, as numerous decks were placed there since that time to commemorate the lost ones. Nowadays it is also a popular tourist atraction for people taking Russia vacation packages.

The interior of this beautiful cathedral is decorated with taste and luxury. The walls have decorations, which represent both architectural styles in which the Cathedral was created. Carved garlands of flowers and leaves can be seen inside.

Two memorial decks were placed in the cathedral of St. Nicolas in 1989 to commemorate 42 sailors, lost after the crash of “Komsomolets” submarine. There are also other monuments located in the Cathedral. If you travel to Russia you must see this place.